Annandale History: 1915: Sixteen months of WWI, Tens of Thousands Dead, and a Daily Demand for Two Thousand Pounds of Explosives, and 300,000 Shells Washington DC in 1915 finds the laying of the cornerstone of the Lincoln Memorial, The early Senate Subway opening, and highlights of the Washington Horse Show, Prominent Washington Brides and the newest and highly sought after invention, the Victrola.


Annual Native Seedling Sale
Deer Tolerant Trees and Shrubs                                                 
                                                                                           NV Soil and Water Conservation District

Eastern Red BudThis year's seedling sale features shrubs and trees that are tolerant of deer browse. While no plant is completely deer-proof, these seedlings are less susceptible. They help clean our water and air, prevent soil erosion, provide valuable habitat, and add beauty and resilience to your landscape. Enjoy!

Orders are being taken online with a credit card, debit card or e-check. Orders for 2018 seedling packages are now available.  Just follow this link to our online seedling sale store.  

The Shrub and Small Tree Package features 10 seedlings for $16.95. The Tree Package includes 6 seedlings sold for $11.95. A full, nonrefundable payment must accompany your order by Wednesday, April 11, or until supplies run out. You’ll receive a confirmation receipt with a map to the pickup site at the Packard Center at the Annandale Community Park just off Hummer Rd. on Friday, April 20, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., or Saturday, April 21, 9:00 a.m.-noon.

Order online NOW:  www.

Pick up Friday, April 20, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., or Saturday, April 21, 9:00 a.m.-noon. at the Packard Center in the Annandale Community Park off Hummer Rd. in Annandale.


Native Trees and Shrubs


Paw Paw Pulp and Seeds

Shortleaf Pine


False Indigo Bush

Service Berry



Silky Dogwood


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