A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife
Many species of plants and animals call Fairfax County home. A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife helps readers identify common species found in typical neighborhoods, schoolyards, parks and other areas.
- scientific illustration of the organism
- descriptions of its physical appearance
- life history
- habitat
- roles it plays in the food web
- its distribution across Fairfax County and the Commonwealth
Fun activities explore how organisms fit into the ecosystem and encourage awareness of how human influences affect the environment.
The Field Guide is a useful resource for any resident who wants to know more about the local environment where they live, work and play. The Field Guide was also voted a winner of the 2014 NACO Achievement Award in the category of Environmental Protection and Energy.
Download this guide at: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/sites/publicworks/files/assets/documents/pdf/publications/field-guide-fairfax-county-plants-wildlife.pdf