Find Where Native Animals Live in the Forest  

Fairfax County Park Authority

Hidden Oaks Nature Center, Annandale, Va

The Woodland Wildlife Tree Sculpture at Hidden Oaks Nature Center celebrates native wildlife with a whimsical display of 11 species of animals scampering around a dead tree. If the animals were real, they could never share the same tree. Some would fear being eaten by the animal on the other side, and others would just find the closeness too unnerving! Park visitors can now enjoy a walk along the 1/3-mile Old Oak Trail to learn where each of the animals would live in the woodland habitat.

The trail leads visitors along a loop around Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Now as visitors stroll on the wood chipped trail, the shelter and other habitat needs of each creature are revealed. Cutouts of each of the animals indicate where each would find suitable shelter. More details are available on a brochure found at the front entrance of Hidden Oaks or by scanning the QR code on the individual animal sign.

In different seasons, the QR codes and brochures will be updated to describe other secrets of these animals, such as how they hunt or their favorite foods. This activity represents a joint effort by Fairfax Master Naturalists, Northern Virginia Woodcarvers, Friends of Hidden Oaks and Fairfax County Park Authority. Enjoy a new reason to take a walk in the park at Hidden Oaks Nature Center, now open on weekends for walk-in visitation from noon until 5 p.m.


Hidden Oaks Nature Center is located at 7701 Royce St.,
Annandale, VA just off Hummer Road.  For more information, call 703-941-1065

Hidden Oaks Nature Center, Royce Street, Annandale, VA


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