Nationwide Survey Shows Startling Number of Americans Guilty of DWD Culture of multitasking spreading to the roads, leading many to “Drive While Distracted”
By: Virginia Kinneman
Kinneman Insurance
You’ve seen them in your rear view mirror or in the car next to you. Sometimes they’re putting on makeup while steering with their knees, punching text messages into a phone without ever looking up at the road, or using a BlackBerry to read e-mail with one hand and steering with a cup of coffee in the other. Or, perhaps you’ve seen – or even done – worse.
A new survey by Nationwide Mutual Insurance shows “Driving While Distracted” (DWD) is quite prevalent among today’s drivers and more dangerous than you might think. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says distracted drivers account for almost 80 percent of all crashes in the U.S.
As found by Nationwide’s survey, even those who perceive themselves as safe drivers admit to doing outlandish things behind the wheel, including changing clothes, balancing a checkbook and shaving. In fact, more than 80 percent of drivers surveyed identified themselves as multitaskers.
According to the survey of 1,200 Americans, 83 percent of those polled believe they are safe drivers and 59 percent don’t consider themselves distracted drivers. However, 73 percent talk on cell phones, only 16 percent drive at or below the speed limit, and 38 percent admit they have driven a certain distance without any recollection of doing so.
What exactly do people do behind the wheel? According to the survey, 31 percent of respondents say they daydream; 23 percent experience road rage; 19 percent fix their hair, text or instant message; 14 percent comfort or discipline children; and 8 percent drive with a pet in their lap.
Other multitasking efforts drivers admit to doing include:
Driving requires significant attention and multitasking while behind the wheel poses a threat to you and your fellow drivers. Here are some tips to stay safe:
For more information on multitasking while driving, contact (insert agent’s name here) at (contact info here) or go online at
Have questions about insurance? Just ask Virginia who has lived in Annandale and has been a Nationwide Agent for more then 20 years. Kinneman Insurance: Offers a full line of insurance and financial services.
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